Site Work
In Earthwork, the first process is to clear and grub the entire area of work to allow access, as well as provide a more even surface on which to build. Site materials are then off-hauled or recycled for re-use as subbase or as fill for landscape areas or embankments. Tri- Valley Excavating is also licensed to remove any hazardous materials and off-haul them to the appropriate facilities. Our fleet of earthwork equipment allows our field crew the best available method by which to efficiently complete the project. During earthwork activities, care is taken to reduce the amount of dust emitted from the site. Any objects impeding a level surface are removed. The earth is then graded, or made level, in sections matching the specifications called out in the plans.
In grading, care is taken to survey the existing site and place stakes that allocate the proposed new grades. In rough grading, the existing subgrade is leveled by excavating and removing material, or spreading and compacting additional material. In the fine grading process, the material is leveled and compacted to match proposed new grades. The site is constructed strictly per the plans and specifications provided. Removing and redistributing the grade of an existing surface can alleviate drainage problems. We are careful to protect all existing utilities, trees and the with site storm water protection measures as well as to not disturb the environment during construction activities. All work is designed to pass field testing and completed to the approval of inspectors and the owner. The surface is thereby prepared for additional sections of material including; dirt, aggregate base, asphalt paving or concrete.
Tri-Valley Excavating is equipped to install, upgrade or re-route utility systems. Our field crew expertly installs new underground utilities, including tie-ins to existing structures and repairing or placing new manholes and water valves. This also includes services to adjust utilities such as manholes, valves and monuments, steel grates, lids, boxes and casements. If the water is not draining or flowing correctly at a property, we can clean, repair or install new drainage systems; including new drain inlets, perforated pipe, storm drains, catch basins and French drains.